Friday 13 April 2012

Painting A Bigger Haywain.

Back in 2004, years before Hockney started banging on about A Bigger Picture,  Rolf Harris put out a Television show in which 150 painters contributed a canvas panel each to produce a huge version of the Constable painting. I turned up early at Trafalgar Square to find an area of interlocked square umbrellas, shading an expanse of brand new red carpet, on which were laid out new and expensive radial easels, each with a layout table. Each table had its own new tubes of paint and new brushes. There was not a speck of paint to be seen anywhere. These were the workstations for the celebrity artists, including Rolf Harris. Literally red carpet treatment.
Around the perimeter of the square were various covered stalls. At one of these the general public could paint a panel, using a black and white photograph of the relevant part of The Haywain as a guide. This is what I did: it was what I had come for. There was a catch, however. The public were only permitted to paint the sky. The tricky bits, i.e. everything else, were left to the celebrity painters. Rolf painted the central figure and the front wheel of the haywain, naturally.
I forget who the other celebrity painters were, apart from Bill Oddie.

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